Classic, preventive massage
The classic massage increases well-being and reduces stress.
It improves blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and relaxes or activates the muscles.
Regular massages stimulate the functions of the skin, blood and lymph flow. They increase the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, lead to mental relaxation, deepen breathing and relieve pain.

Relax massage
The relax massage reduces stress and has a rejuvenating effect on the organism.
The most popular form of massage is primarily for relaxation. However, it also has a complex, strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the human body. It quickly relieves tiredness and reduces nervous irritability to a minimum. Resistance to environmental influences and the immune defense are strengthened. To some extent, the procedure prevents cellulite and varicose veins.
Regular relaxation massages can prevent illnesses that have their origins in psychological stress.
Anti-cellulite massage
The anti-cellulite massage improves the tissue structure and increases well-being.
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women. The result is partial fibrosis of the adipose tissue. According to studies, 90% of all women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.
The appearance of cellulite is not only related to age, but is also favored by an unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition. It is often viewed as a cosmetic and psychological problem and thus results in certain
Stages of development to discomfort. Many women feel that cellulite affects their wellbeing and their health.

Anti-cellulite massage
The anti-cellulite massage improves the tissue structure and increases well-being.
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women. The result is partial fibrosis of the adipose tissue. According to studies, 90% of all women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.
The appearance of cellulite is not only related to age, but is also favored by an unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition. It is often viewed as a cosmetic and psychological problem and thus results in certain
Stages of development to discomfort. Many women feel that cellulite affects their wellbeing and their health.
Anti-cellulite massage
The anti-cellulite massage improves the tissue structure and increases well-being.
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women. The result is partial fibrosis of the adipose tissue. According to studies, 90% of all women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.
The appearance of cellulite is not only related to age, but is also favored by an unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition. It is often viewed as a cosmetic and psychological problem and thus results in certain
Stages of development to discomfort. Many women feel that cellulite affects their wellbeing and their health.
Anti-cellulite massage
The anti-cellulite massage improves the tissue structure and increases well-being.
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women. The result is partial fibrosis of the adipose tissue. According to studies, 90% of all women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.
The appearance of cellulite is not only related to age, but is also favored by an unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition. It is often viewed as a cosmetic and psychological problem and thus results in certain
Stages of development to discomfort. Many women feel that cellulite affects their wellbeing and their health.

Anti-cellulite massage
The anti-cellulite massage improves the tissue structure and increases well-being.
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women. The result is partial fibrosis of the adipose tissue. According to studies, 90% of all women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.
The appearance of cellulite is not only related to age, but is also favored by an unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition. It is often viewed as a cosmetic and psychological problem and thus results in certain
Stages of development to discomfort. Many women feel that cellulite affects their wellbeing and their health.

About me

Full body massage
Including head and feet
The classic massage improves blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and relaxes or activates the muscles.
Full body massage
without head & feet
Sie werden komplett gut massiert von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers.
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
90 min - 85 €
Intensive Rückenmassage
60 min - 60 €
Ca. 40 Min - 35€
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Shoulder and neck massage
Schöne entspannende Massage für Schulter-Nacken, Dekollete & Gesicht
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Ca. 40 Min - 35€
Relax massage
Wunderschöne Auszeit für Körper & Seele!
Diese Massage lindert schnell Müdigkeit und reduziert die nervöse Reizbarkeit auf ein Minimum.
Sie werden komplett gut massiert von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers.
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Ca. 90 Min - 85€
Intensive shoulder and neck massage. Relieves tension and stress and prevents tension headaches.
Ca. 40 Min - 40€
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Foot reflexology massage
With the foot reflex zone massage, the reduced image of the person is projected onto the feet. Organs and parts of the body are shown there as reflex zones.
Fußreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Handreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Hand & Fußreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 40 Min - 40€
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Sports massage
Partial or full body massage by arrangement, e.g. back and arms.
Intensive massage with special treatment of the muscles
Ca. 75 Min - 70€
Ca. 40 Min - 45€
Hot Stones Massage
Massage mit heißen Steinen!
lindert die Muskelverspannungen und Gelenkbeschwerden
Ca. 60 Min - 75€
Ca. 90 Min - 95€
Ca. 30 Min - 40€
Ca. 40 Min - 50€
Anti-cellulite massage
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women.
Price may vary.
Honey massage
Partial or full body massage by arrangement
The honey massage promotes blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism. It dissolves waste products in the body, opens the pores and detoxifies the tissue. The skin becomes soft and supple.
Preise und Dauer auf Anfrage
"I would be happy to make you an individual offer"

Full body massage
Including head and feet
The classic massage improves blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and relaxes or activates the muscles.
Full body massage
without head & feet
Sie werden komplett gut massiert von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers.
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
90 min - 85 €
Intensive Rückenmassage
60 min - 60 €
Ca. 40 Min - 35€
Ca. 60 Min - 55€
Shoulder and neck massage
Schöne entspannende Massage für Schulter-Nacken, Dekollete & Gesicht
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Ca. 40 Min - 35€
Relax massage
Wunderschöne Auszeit für Körper & Seele!
Diese Massage lindert schnell Müdigkeit und reduziert die nervöse Reizbarkeit auf ein Minimum.
Sie werden komplett gut massiert von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers.
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Ca. 90 Min - 85€
Intensive shoulder and neck massage. Relieves tension and stress and prevents tension headaches.
Ca. 40 Min - 40€
Ca. 60 Min - 55€
Foot reflexology massage
With the foot reflex zone massage, the reduced image of the person is projected onto the feet. Organs and parts of the body are shown there as reflex zones.
Fußreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Handreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 30 Min - 30€
Hand & Fußreflexzonen Massage
Ca. 40 Min - 40€
Ca. 60 Min - 60€
Sports massage
Partial or full body massage by arrangement, e.g. back and arms.
Intensive massage with special treatment of the muscles
Ca. 75 Min - 70€
Ca. 40 Min - 45€
Hot Stones Massage
Massage mit heißen Steinen!
lindert die Muskelverspannungen und Gelenkbeschwerden
Ca. 60 Min - 75€
Ca. 90 Min - 95€
Ca. 30 Min - 40€
Ca. 40 Min - 50€
Traditionelle Massage mit heißen Kräutersäckchen!
Lockernde Wirkung bei Muskelverspannungen, Erholung bei Stress, Förderung der Durchblutung und des Stoffwechsels, Entspannung von Körper, Geist und Seele, Pflegende Wirkung der Haut, Stärkung des Immunsystem.
Ca. 60 Min - 75€
Ca. 90 Min - 95€
Ca. 30 Min - 45€
Ca. 40 Min - 55€
Schokoladen-Massage mit Körperpackung
Die Schokoladenmassage ist eine Wellness-Massage bei der Massageschokolade statt Massageöl verwendet wird!
Die Schokoladenmassage ist das ideale Geschenk der Verwöhnung für Körper und Seele.
Die natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe der Schokolade wirken zudem antioxidativ und pflegend für Ihre Haut.
Sie werden komplett mit Schokolade eingecremt und von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers massiert.
Während der Körperpackung bekommen Sie eine schöne entspannende Gesichtsmassage.
Ca. 90 Min - 115€
Honey massage
Relax-Honig-Massage mit Körperpackung
Sie werden komplett mit Honig eingecremt und von kopf bis Fuß-vorder & Rückseite des Körpers massiert.
Während der Körperpackung bekommen Sie eine schöne entspannende Gesichtsmassage.
Ca. 90 Min - 115€
Sie werden stellenweise mit Honig eingecremt und intensiv massiert.
Die Honig Massage fördert die Durchblutung und regt den Stoffwechsel an. Sie löst Schlacken im Körper, öffnet die Poren und entgiftet das Gewebe. Die Haut wird zart und geschmeidig.
Preise und Dauer auf Anfrage
Anti-cellulite massage
Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs in women.
Price may vary.
Massage während der Schwangerschaft
Schwangermassage verbessert die Durchblutung, Lymphfluss, Stoffwechsel und den Hautzustand, hilft, überschüssige Flüssigkeit aus dem Körper zu entfernen.
Lassen Sie sich von Ihrem Arzt beraten, bevor, Sie eine Massage buchen
Preise und Dauer auf Anfrage
"I would be happy to make you an individual offer"

I have been working as a wellness masseur since 2012 and have acquired certificates for this in various countries. Due to my oriental migration background and stations in Turkey, Ukraine and currently in Germany, I have been able to gain a wide range of experiences in the wellness area.
You don't have to go to use my services. I come to you comfortably. To the office, to home, wherever you need me.
Simply make an appointment between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. by phone, email or text message.
I am at your disposal for your inquiries and bookings!
Malek Khalaf

Period of service:
From 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.